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Paul Ricoeur的「悲嘆神學」是否現時香港教會信徒面對苦難時最受忽略卻又最適切的詮釋?Part 3.

黃杰輝博士        (香港)



從上述當代教會情況可見,理性神義論在基督徒中衍生出指控與逃避主義,Kearney認為Ricoeur討論的信心就是要超越指控與逃避主義,可稱為「後宗教信心」,即擺脫了宗教形式束縛的信心。[31]Ricoeur否認是基督徒哲學家,而自稱是哲學地寫作的基督徒[32],Kearney指出他是透過認同佛洛依德、馬克思與尼采三位無神論的懷疑詮釋,而否定「宗教」對上帝的定性,破除偶像,從而指出理性神義論的絶路。Andrea White認為Ricoeur在這樣的哲學過程下,構成出一種特殊的不可知論,擴闊了想像思考的可能性[33],Kearney又將之定名為「後神主義」(anatheism),指這由Ricoeur立下的基礎,幫助信徒的信心從責任與恐懼的牢籠中釋放出來。[34]


Ricoeur於二戰時身陷德國納粹的戰俘營[35],自然對苦難有深刻的個人經驗,深明形而上神義論(metaphysical theodicies)[36]或本體神學神義論(ontotheological theodicies)[37]未能為經歷重大苦難的人提供滿意答案,因此以上述不可知論或「後神主義」來為我們思想解開捆鎖。Ricoeur認為康德(Kant)的辯證論已經摧毀了本體神學的根基,由此引申出理性的服務對象不應是理論,而是實踐[38],康德的理論將我們引向行動的責任[39]














在社會層面應用上,二戰猶太人的大屠殺是討論「悲嘆神學」時常用的歷史事例,Ricoeur指重述慘劇有見證作用,表現了倫理責任[44],記住受難者的遭遇是我們對他們的道德職責,給他們還債[45],慘劇的敘事可以防止歷史學家將不公義消融[46]。Kearney認為這樣的敘事就是「哀悼工作」(work of mourning),是適合的宣泄,將被動的悲嘆轉成主動的抗議,以致幫助敘事者自我更新。[47]


Iain Wilkinson建議在社會學研究上使用Ricoeur提出的「哀悼工作」,利用悲嘆的創造力來豐富文化,使社會學家可以有更實在的內容思考苦難,為社會學與文化研究提供更多的可能性。[48]








前面提及〈面對苦難〉一文引而不用《約伯記》14章1至2 節,但《約伯記》是「悲嘆神學」的重要思考資源。猶太教拉比Harold Kushner在The book of job: When bad things happened to a good person中指出,約伯記14章1至6節是約伯的投訴,指人生苦短,要求上帝好好地讓人過日子,7至14節則是約伯對子女夭亡的悲嘆。Kushne認為《約伯記》14章是整卷書的其一最美麗段落,約伯在這裡悲嘆人生的短暫,並質問上帝。[53]Kushner與Ricoeur不謀而合,同樣使用了悲嘆神學、抗議神學的角度來詮釋約伯記,為讀者帶來對上帝更廣闊的想像。


Kushner對《約伯記》的詮釋似比Ricoeur在The Symbolism of Evil內的詮釋更全面表達悲嘆神學。Ricoeur認為上帝在約伯記的最後段落顯現,向約伯曉示代表混亂的「比蒙巨獸」(Behemoth)與「力威亞探」(Leviathan)都是服在祂的創造之下,約伯因而醒悟將投訴放在一旁,明白愛上帝是「不為甚麼」的。[54]








Jorge Pena Vial批評Ricoeur全盤否定神義論[58],不過這應並非Ricoeur的真正想法[59]。Ricoeur認為推理式的神義論有其失敗之處,但不代表我們只信賴感覺,停止思考[60]。James Wetzel更堅持無論神義論怎樣邪惡,對惡的理論探討是不能放棄的。[61]因此悲嘆神學是面對苦難者最適切的幫助,但它不應是處理苦難問題的終點,就如Kushner對《約伯記》的詮釋,雖以約伯的悲嘆為主調,認同約伯的態度,但也嘗試從理性的角度理解上帝的創造與神性,這能幫助非在苦難中的人在理智中了解苦難,為無可避免會面對的苦難作準備。



[31] Kearney, Richard. 2009. Returning to god after god: Levinas, Derrida, Ricoeur. Research in Phenomenology 39 (2): 172-173.

[32] Ibid, 179.

[33] White, Andrea C. 2013. In sympathy and imagination: The theological import of Paul Ricoeur’s agnosticism. Literature and Theology 27 (2): 183-185.

[34] Kearney, Richard. 2009. Returning to god after god: Levinas, Derrida, Ricoeur. Research in Phenomenology 39 (2): 172-177.

[35] Ricœur, Paul, and Mark I. Wallace. 1995. Figuring the sacred: Religion, narrative, and imagination [Essays.English.Selections]. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, p.2.

[36] Putt, B. K. 1997. Indignation toward evil: Ricoeur and Caputo on a theodicy of protest. (Paul Ricoeur, John Caputo, theodicy under erasure). Philosophy Today 41 (3): 463.

[37] Ibid, 467.

[38] Ricoeur, Paul, and David Pellauer. 1985. Evil, a challenge to philosophy and theology. Journal of the American Academy of Religion 53 (4): 641-642.

[39] Kearney, Richard. 2006. On the hermeneutics of evil. Revue De Métaphysique Et De Morale (2): 204.

[40] Ricoeur, Paul, and David Pellauer. 1985. Evil, a challenge to philosophy and theology. Journal of the American Academy of Religion 53 (4): 645-646.

[41] Ibid, pp. 646-647, and Ricœur, Paul, and Mark I. Wallace. 1995. Figuring the sacred: Religion, narrative, and imagination [Essays.English.Selections]. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, p.292.

[42] Putt, B. K. 1997. Indignation toward evil: Ricoeur and Caputo on a theodicy of protest. (Paul Ricoeur, John Caputo, theodicy under erasure). Philosophy Today 41 (3): 463-464.

[43] Ricœur, Paul, and Mark I. Wallace. 1995. Figuring the sacred: Religion, narrative, and imagination [Essays.English.Selections]. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, p. 32.

[44] Kearney, Richard. 2006. On the hermeneutics of evil. Revue De Métaphysique Et De Morale (2): 205.

[45] Ricœur, Paul, and Mark I. Wallace. 1995. Figuring the sacred: Religion, narrative, and imagination [Essays.English.Selections]. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, p. 290.

[46] Kearney, Richard. 2006. On the hermeneutics of evil. Revue De Métaphysique Et De Morale (2): 208.

[47] Ibid, 213-214.

[48] Wilkinson, Iain. 2001. Thinking with suffering. Cultural Values 5 (4): 421-438.

[49] 如基督教宣道會香港區聯會官方刊物《宣訊》183期專題文章〈是愛還是仇恨之子?──佔中後社會、教會、家庭的縫補〉,年5月4日閱)

[50] Boulton, Matthew. 2002. Forsaking god: A theological argument for Christian lamentation. Scottish Journal of Theology 55 (1): 58-78.

[51] Ricœur, Paul, and Mark I. Wallace. 1995. Figuring the sacred: Religion, narrative, and imagination [Essays.English.Selections]. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, p. 289.

[52] Boulton, Matthew. 2002. Forsaking god: A theological argument for Christian lamentation. Scottish Journal of Theology 55 (1): 63.

[53] Kushner, Harold S. 2012. The book of job: When bad things happened to a good person. New York: Jewish Encounters, Nextbook: Schocken, pp. 87-89.

[54] Ricœur, Paul. 1967. The symbolism of evil. Religious perspectives. [Symbolique de mal. English]. 1st ed. Vol. 17. New York: Harper & Row, pp. 321, and Ricoeur, Paul, and David Pellauer. 1985. Evil, a challenge to philosophy and theology. Journal of the American Academy of Religion 53 (4): 638-639.

[55] Kushner, Harold S. 2012. The book of job: When bad things happened to a good person. New York: Jewish Encounters, Nextbook: Schocken, pp. 144-145.

[56] Ibid, pp. 146-161.

[57] Ricoeur, Paul, and David Pellauer. 1985. Evil, a challenge to philosophy and theology. Journal of the American Academy of Religion 53 (4): 647.

[58] Vial, J. P. 2012. Job and the tragic theology of Paul Ricoeur. Co-Herencia; Co-Herencia 9 (17): 179-92 (with Google translation from Spanish to English).

[59] Kearney, Richard. 2006. On the hermeneutics of evil. Revue De Métaphysique Et De Morale (2): 204-205.

[60] Putt, B. K. 1997. Indignation toward evil: Ricoeur and Caputo on a theodicy of protest. (Paul Ricoeur, John Caputo, theodicy under erasure). Philosophy Today 41 (3): 463.

[61] From Putt, B. K. 1997. Indignation toward evil: Ricoeur and Caputo on a theodicy of protest. (Paul Ricoeur, John Caputo, theodicy under erasure). Philosophy Today 41 (3): 462.


Boulton, Matthew. 2002. Forsaking god: A theological argument for Christian lamentation. Scottish Journal of Theology 55 (1): 58-78.

Kearney, Richard. 2009. Returning to god after god: Levinas, Derrida, Ricoeur. Research in Phenomenology 39 (2): 167-83.

Kearney, Richard. 2006. On the hermeneutics of evil. Revue De Métaphysique Et De Morale(2): 197-215.

Kushner, Harold S. 2012. The book of job: When bad things happened to a good person. New York: Jewish Encounters, Nextbook: Schocken.

Putt, B. K. 1997. Indignation toward evil: Ricoeur and Caputo on a theodicy of protest. (Paul Ricoeur, John Caputo, theodicy under erasure). Philosophy Today 41 (3): 460-471.

Ricœur, Paul. 1967. The symbolism of evil. Religious perspectives. [Symbolique de mal. English]. 1st ed. Vol. 17. New York: Harper & Row.

Ricoeur, Paul, and David Pellauer. 1985. Evil, a challenge to philosophy and theology. Journal of the American Academy of Religion 53 (4): 635-48.

Ricœur, Paul, and Mark I. Wallace. 1995. Figuring the sacred: Religion, narrative, and imagination [Essays.English.Selections]. Minneapolis: Fortress Press.

Vial, J. P. 2012. Job and the tragic theology of Paul Ricoeur. Co-Herencia; Co-Herencia 9 (17): 179-92.

White, Andrea C. 2013. In sympathy and imagination: The theological import of Paul Ricoeur’s agnosticism. Literature and Theology 27 (2): 183-95.

Wilkinson, Iain. 2001. Thinking with suffering. Cultural Values 5 (4): 421-44.

黃家基. 2006. 〈面對苦難〉《天風》.中國基督教雜誌(08): 20-2.


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